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Home Upcoming Episodes

Upcoming Episodes

If you subscribe to the series for just $14.95/month, you’ll have access to all the episodes and raw footage the minute they are released.  Click here to subscribe!

The next episode to be released is:

Episode 104: The Waterfalls

The next episode of The Life of Emily Alistair features Emily traveling south to shoot in take her first stab at shooting in waterfalls.  Along the way, she and her photographic team eat at a haunted restaurant, race Go-Karts, find one of the coolest themed hotels in Illinois (The Willows Hotel in Utica) and find a dessert store that seemingly named itself after the world’s most disgusting viral video.  It’s all coming up next!

The following episode to be released is:

Episode 101: The Beginning

The third episode of the series is the Emily Alistair origin tale.  Picking up and moving from Los Angeles to Chicago, Emily begins to adjust to life in her new city and her new direction in modeling. She connects with old friends, gets offered free surgery as part of a pick-up line, hits the clubs with her Brazilian friend, Talita, and ends up posing for pictures in an abandoned parking garage with one of the world’s most unusual photographers.